Saturday, January 16, 2016

Star Wars V The Empire Strikes Back

Let me tell you something I'm a HUGEEEE Stars Wars fan! So, if you are not, or just don't care about it, we are going to have a situation because I'm going to write and talk about Star Wars A LOT in my upcoming posts! Sorry not sorry.

Anyway, I was watching Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back movie and this scene got me so emotional that I had chills, so, grieve with me this amazing heartbreaking scene.

Bon journée!

P.S.: When I typed in capital letters I swear I'm not yelling at you I'm just making a point.

Como funciona un implante coclear

Nadando con Aqua + Cochlear

Cats and dogs meeting babies for the first time - Cute animal compilation

It's incredible how sweet, gentle and caring animals can be! Loved this video!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Ahora we speak trois langues!

That's right!

Now my blog took a new name and a new direction! The name: Pets, life and sound! This name includes everything about me and things I like, it's a more open blog and I'm going to write more about animals, my husband, and my hearing WORLD! Yeah!

¡Eso es correcto!

Ahora mi blog tomó un nuevo nombre y una nueva dirección! El nombre: Animales, la vida y el sonido! Este nombre incluye todo sobre mí y lo que me gusta, es un blog con información amplia de diversos temas y voy a escribir más sobre los animales, mi marido y mi MUNDO auditivo! ¡Sí!

C'est correct!

Maintenant, mon blog a pris un nouveau nom et une nouvelle adresse! Nom: animaux, la vie et le son! Ce nom comprend tout de moi et ce que je veux est un blog avec des informations détaillées sur des sujets divers et je vais écrire plus sur les animaux, mon mari et monde auditif! Oui!

Remember I'm learning french but is going to get better! Oh lala!

Now my featured posts will be displayed in spanish or french or english or even 3 languages!

Bon journée!

Let me introduce you to our Posh Puppy Kala!

This is Kala she's the youngest of the pack. She's almost 2 years old and still she keeps the sweet personality of a 4 months old puppy. I love her dearly 💝 she's the sweetest dog ever and our spoiled little girl.
Kala loves playtime with her brothers but when I try to play with her she's like, nah... maybe later... She prefers to cuddle and fall asleep rather than playing with me...
We should have called her Aurora (The Sleeping Beauty). I share a photo collage of her because she has a particular way of sleeping... Paw's up! I think since she is the only girl in the pack Onyx and Ringo are both males my husband and I spoil her a little too much, for example every time she cries (and let me tell you she cries A LOT and for any reason), when she cries we baby talk to Kala and in response she gives us that look that just melts out hearts...
Yeap... That's the look!
I know we shouldn't treat her like a princess but we can't help it... Even though she's a posh puppy she's trained with basic and intermediate commands, I'll show you in another post.

A propos moi!

About me. Acerca de mi. A propos de moi!
cropped-image-e1452726777712.jpegHello my dear readers!
My name is Julia Gutiérrez, I'm 27 years old, I'm a  Cochlear Implant user (brand Cochlear), I'm happily married and I'm the dog mom of 3: 2 German Shepherds Ringo and Kala and a black Labrador Onyx.
I'm venezuelan. I speak Spanish, English and a little bit of French, still learning the last one.
The purpose of this site is to being able to share with you the most important things for me: my husband, my dogs and my hearing life, later I'm going to share with you how I became a Cochlear Implant User.
Also, I'm a "wild" animal lover, since I was a little girl I've rescued tons of animals, sloths, iguanas, non venom snakes, frogs and lizards. I'm very passionate about rescuing but I don't work as Vet, I'm about to get my Associate's Degree in Special Education and Learning Disabilities this spring, can't wait! Getting back to my wild animal lover spirit I've also rescued dogs, the last rescue I performed was the rescue of 5 puppies dumped in the streets with a little bit of food, they were at the time about 2 month old so I leave them in a nice shelter where they will find for them nice homes, yei!
Next week I'm going to have videos and articles!
Hola mis queridos lectores!
Mi nombre es Julia Gutiérrez, tengo 27 años de edad,soy usuaria de Implante Coclear (marca Cochlear), estoy felizmente casada y soy la mamá 3 perros: 2 pastores alemanes Ringo y Kala y un labrador Onyx.
Soy venezolana. Hablo Español, Inglés y un poco de francés, todavía estoy aprendiendo el último idioma mencionado.
El propósito de este sitio es poder compartir con ustedes las cosas más importantes en mi vida mi esposo, mis perros y mi vida como oyente, después compartiré con ustedes cómo me convertí en un usuario de implante coclear.
Además, soy un amante de los animales "salvajes", desde que era una niña he rescatado  animales, osos perezosos, iguanas, serpientes no venenosas, ranas y lagartos. Soy muy apasionada sobre el rescate de animales, pero yo no trabajo como veterinario ni nada que se le parezca, estoy a punto de obtener mi título de T.S.U. En Educación Especial y Dificultades en el Aprendizaje esta primavera, no puedo esperar! Volviendo a mi espíritu salvaje amante de los animales también he rescatado perros, el último de rescate que hice fueron 5 cachorros abandonados en las calles con un poco de comida, de alrededor de 2 meses de edad. Así que los dejé en un agradable refugio donde encontrarán para ellos hogares cariñosos y llenos de amor, yei!
La semana que viene voy a tener videos y artículos!
Bonjour mes chers lecteurs!
Je m'appelle  Julia Gutiérrez, j'ai  27 ans, je suis un utilisateur implant cochléaire (marque Cochlear), je suis marié et je suis la maman de 3 chien: 2 bergers allemands Ringo et Kala et un Labrador noir Onyx.
Je suis vénézuélienne. Je parle espagnol, anglais et un peu de français, encore à apprendre la dernière.
Le but de ce site est pouvoir partager avec vous les choses les plus importantes pour moi: mon mari, mes chiens et ma vie de l'auditeur, plus tard, je vais partager avec vous comment je suis devenu un utilisateur implant cochléaire.
Aussi, je suis un amoureux des animaux "sauvages", depuis que je suis petite, je l'ai sauvé des tonnes d'animaux, des paresseux, des iguanes, serpents à venin non, les grenouilles et les lézards.
La semaine prochaine, je vais avoir des vidéos et des articles!
Mon français c'est ne pas le meilleur, mais je suis d'apprendre à le faire.
Bon journée! :)